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Your gift of just $34 will provide students in India with a Student Survival Pack!  The pack contains a Bible, a Backpack and a Solar Lantern, so it is easier for kids to study in homes with no electricity!

Watch the video below to see what life is like for children in India...

When you provide one or more Student Survival Packs, we'll send you this FREE Thank You Gift:

"The Dime that Lasted Forever," by Dr. Rochunga Pudaite, Founder of Bibles For The World.

  • Donate one or more Student Survival Packs by clicking the DONATE button below... 
  • Be sure to check the box indicating that you would like to receive a copy of "The Dime that Lasted Forever"...
  • We'll ship your book to your home -- along with our thanks for making a difference for a child in India!

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The solar lamp you provide will help kids study in otherwise dark village homes!

About Bibles For The World

Thank you for your desire to help provide students in India with this invaluable "Survival Pack!" For decades, Bibles For The World has sponsored tens of thousands of children to attend Christian schools in some 45 villages and communities throughout India. In most cases these kids come from extreme poverty and their families could never afford any education. But because of generous help like yours, they can not only attend school, but their books, uniforms, shoes and healthcare are provided.

The "Survival Pack" you provide will bless a child with his or her own copy of a Bible, needed school supplies, and a backpack -- PLUS a solar powered lantern to help them study at night. You see, most homes have no electricity, so the only light comes from a candle or a cooking fire. What a blessing these lamps will be -- not only to each student, but to their entire family!

John L. Pudaite
President & CEO

Bibles For The World - 2020